Avoid Declines and Card Fees With These Easy Tips
- Use your card as a payment method in grocery stores, convenience stores, drug stores, or anywhere that accepts Debit MasterCard®. You can also select the “Cash Back” option to receive cash at no charge.
- Remove your entire balance for free by visiting any financial institution that is a MasterCard principal member and asking for a cash advance for the balance on the card.
- Utilize the free ACH transfer service before using an ATM
- Request a physical check at no charge for the balance on your card. Visit or call the toll-free number on the back of your card to process this request.
- If your card is rejected at an ATM, never attempt over and over again. Some ATMs impose a fee even for declined transactions.
- Pre-Payment of services like fuel dispensed from a “Pay at the Pump” terminal prior to pumping the gas or for services like a hotel room. The payment networks automatically put a hold on a certain amount of the funds available to ensure payment. This hold usually takes several hours to be removed; therefore, the cardholder cannot access his funds until this hold is remove.
- Some Merchants may authorize your card up to 25% more than the transaction to allow for gratuity, which can cause declined transactions.
- Update your Temporary PIN before use to verify you have the correct PIN.
- Individuals who believe they have received this card non consensually will be entitled to a full refund of any fees charged to the card. Individuals can claim their full balance by visiting or calling the number on the back of their card.
Ways to Avoid Fees
- Do not use your card to “Pay at the Pump” at stations. The best way to use your card for gas is by seeing the attendant inside and specifying how much you want to spend. Your card may be declined at the pump if you do not have adequate funds, which imposes a decline fee.
- If you want to split your payment between this card and another form of payment, you must specify to the cashier the amount you would like to run on the card. Please know the balance on your card before you do this kind of transaction.
- Know your balance and check your balance online, through the app, or call before using an ATM or making a purchase.
- Run your card as credit or debit to avoid potential fees at locations that accept MasterCard®.
- For best success, run your card as credit.
- Use cash advance to remove your entire card balance at no charge by visiting any MasterCard® principal financial institution.
- You can also run your card as debit when you make a transaction and ask for cash back.
- Utilize the direct deposit transfer service to send funds from your card to your bank account.
- Check your balance online or through customer service before using an ATM.
- If your card is rejected at an ATM, never attempt over and over again. Some ATMs impose a fee even for declined transactions.
- Watch gratuity as some merchants may authorize your card up to 25% more than the transaction to allow for gratuity, which can cause declined transactions.
- Update your temporary PIN before use. Do this by calling 877-287-2448.
- Be aware that these cards may have maintenance, activity or inactivity fees. Please refer to the fee table in the terms and conditions or online